To sell services to a customer

Sales > Making sales > Entering sales > To sell services to a customer

The Sales window should be displayed. (To find the Sales window)

  1. If the customer has asked for a quote or order, choose one of those options from the upper left corner of the window. (Choosing the sale you want)
  2. Enter the customer's name, and review the shipping address and credit terms. You can change them if necessary. (Entering information about the customer)

  1. Review the invoice number and date. If the customer has given you a purchase order number, be sure to enter it.
  2. Be sure the Service or Professional layout is selected. The selected layout appears in the Sales window's title. (To choose a sales layout)
  3. Enter a line item for each service you are selling. Enter the income account that's used to track the type of service you're selling. (Entering line items on a sale)
  4. If the customer paid all or part of part of the amount owed, enter the amount paid. Review the payment method and details, if necessary. (To enter payment details)
  5. You can add more information about your sale, such as a journal entry memo, the salesperson or a referral source. The tax code that is selected for the customer on the customer card is entered automatically when the customer card is entered in the Sales window. You can change it, if you wish. (Completing the sale)
  6. If you want to print an invoice (quote or order) for the sale, click the Print button. Otherwise, click Record. You can print the invoice later if you like, using the Print Invoices window. (Choosing how to complete the sale)
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