Inventory Table of Contents

Creating items
Adjusting inventory

Transferring inventory

Adjusting item quantities and unit costs
To adjust an item's quantity and unit cost

Adjusting item total values and costs
To adjust an item's total value and unit cost

Auto-building items
To auto-build an item

To auto-build an item using the To Do List

Changing items
To change basic item information

Changing inventory adjustments and transfers
To change a transaction

Counting inventory items
To count your inventory items

Adding a new item
To add a new item

To create a record for an item you buy, sell and inventory

To create a record for an item you buy and sell, but don't inventory

To create a record for an item you buy for office use only

To create a record for an item you build from components (Auto-Build)

To create a record for an item you use only as a component to build other items
To create a record for a "service item"
To create an record for an item whose information you copy from another item's record

Entering additional details and custom information to items
To enter historical information about an item

To enter a description of an item

To display a picture (or change the picture you display)

To remove a link to a picture

To enter pricing level information for an item

To copy pricing level information from another item record

Entering items' opening quantities and values
To enter the item's opening quantity and value

Finding inventory adjustments and transfers
To find a transaction

To adjust inventory
To adjust item quantities

To transfer inventory
To transfer inventory items

Deleting items
To inactivate (reactivate) items

To delete items

Deleting and reversing inventory adjustments and transfers
To reverse a transaction

To delete a transaction

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